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Welcome to Mrs. Alt's Class


About Mrs. Alt

This is my 6th year teaching and my first year teaching at Shelby. I have taught 6th grade ELA every year and I love the excitement that it brings. Each day is different and getting to know the students is my favorite part of the job! I graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in middle school education. I am currently working towards getting my Masters degree in special education. 

I am married to my husband, Scott and together we have two awesome kids. My son, Cameron just turned 3 and my daughter, Collins just turned one. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, reading a great book, and traveling to new place. I look forward to an awesome year together. 


We began the year with our first novel, Seedfolks. We just finished it and enjoyed learning about theme, character development, and more! We will be starting our next novel soon, which takes place during the Holocaust. More on that novel soon! 


Students turned in their first essay of sixth grade already, a personal narrative! i was so impressed with the writing styles each student has and the hard work they put into making sure their essay was great. We will soon be moving into comparing and contrasting writing and all the fun that comes with that! 


We are currently practicing parts of speech. We are working on types of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and more! Once we feel super confident with parts of speech, we will be working on making sure our sentences are not run on's so we can really make sure our writing is spectacular! 

Reading log is due every monday at 8 am from the previous week. 

Students are required to read 20 minutes 5 days a week. 

google classroom

Many of our assignments are located in Google Classroom.

Mrs. Alt - ELA

Miss Garrett - Math

Mrs. Rowlands - Science & SS

Ms. Goth - Intervention Specialist

Mrs. Hipp - Educational Aide

Shelby Middle School

109 W Smiley Ave

Shelby, OH 44875 

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