As 6th graders, our students can be a positive influence more than they realize. Knowing this, we have paired up with the kindergartners of Shelby to be buddies! The basis of this program is two fold. One side encourages our 6th graders to lead the way, be an example and be a friend to someone who could really use their friendship. Two is for the kindergartners to be able to boost their self esteem, increase their ability to communicate with older kids and have them look forward to growing up in the Shelby School system with the encouragement of an older Whippet. We will be visiting our kindergarten buddies each month. This month we spent time getting to know their favorite things and our 6th graders chose their favorite children's book to read to the kindergartners. As you can tell by the pictures, the kids on both classes had a blast. We cannot wait until craft day in December!
Kindergarten Buddies
Updated: Dec 4, 2024